Dice Payment Tester

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  • What does it do?

    Payment Providers integration testing made easy.

    Dice Paytest automates the testing of key Stripe and Paypal processes including recurring subscriptions, pay-per-view transactions and invoicing

    Supported Platforms

    This jar file can be incorporated into any automation project.


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    Stripe Support

    You can Create Customers and bind cards to those customers, create product skus and issue a refund from an already existing payment

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    PayPal Support

    You can make a payment directly to PayPal Sandbox and then issue refunds for existing payments.

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    The library can be pointed to mock servers


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    Unified approach

    Wraps Stripe and PayPal API calls in methods that can be quick plugged directly into your automation project.

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    Easy to integrate

    If you don’t have an automation project, that’s fine. With very little effort and code you Dice Paytest can quickly create test scenarios directly in Stripe and PayPal to aid in manual testing.